Whoohoo! Finally got xen/kickstart to do a complete hands-off installation. The goal is to be able to provision an OS for a customer (internal/external) with as little interaction as possible, giving me more time to drink my coffee :D. The kickstart piece makes it as easy/easier than AIX NIM installations... I used the anaconda_ks.cfg from a previously installed domU and made a few changes. To use it with xenguest-install.py you need to specify the kickstart file with the "-x" option: xenguest-install.py -n xm-fc4-004 \ -f /dev/rootvg/xm-fc4-004_lv \ -r 256 -l \ -x ks= The kickstart file follows. Some notes: If you start with an anaconda generated file you need to add the keyboard directive. For some reason it does not save this information (bug??). The zerombr directive will also destroy the existing LVM volume so use with care. The rootpw directive needs to be changed in the example. You''d probably want to change the bootproto option also. I''m hand-editing the IP info because I already have DNS entries. # Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda. install url --url lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us network --device eth0 --bootproto static --ip --netmask --gateway --nameserver 192.168.8 rootpw --iscrypted $1$ma1gooDL$myPaSsw0rdhashwh000h000 firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 selinux --disabled timezone America/New_York bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=xvda reboot zerombr yes clearpart --all part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=100 part swap --size=256 part pv.00 --size=1 --grow --asprimary volgroup rootvg pv.00 logvol / --name root_lv --vgname=rootvg --size=400 logvol swap --name swap_lv --vgname=rootvg --size=256 logvol /usr --name usr_lv --vgname=rootvg --size=2000 logvol /tmp --name tmp_lv --vgname=rootvg --size=200 logvol /var --name var_lv --vgname=rootvg --size=200 logvol /home --name home_lv --vgname=rootvg --size=400 %packages @admin-tools @base @core @dns-server @editors @text-internet @web-server comps-extras cracklib-dicts gnome-mime-data rmt tzdata %post -- * The Digital Hermit http://www.digitalhermit.com * Unix and Linux Solutions kwan@digitalhermit.com