Which version should I use out of the list? Or do I install all of them, one after the other? ext3-2.4-0.9.9-2410p4.gz 05Sep01 (Against 2.4.10-pre4) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.9-249ac9.gz 05Sep01 (Against 2.4.9-ac9) ext3-2.4-0.9.10-2410.gz 23Sep01 (Against 2.4.10) (Changelog) patch-rml-2.4.10-ac3-ext3-0.9.9-with-dir-speedup-1.gz 01Oct01 (From Robert Love. Unofficial :-)) ext3-2.4-0.9.12-2410ac11.gz 10Oct01 (Against 2.4.10-ac11) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.13-2413p6.gz 21Oct01 (Against 2.4.13-pre6) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.13-2413.gz 25Oct01 (Against 2.4.13) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.14-2414p3.gz 28Oct01 (Against 2.4.14-pre3) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.14-2414p5.gz 29Oct01 (Against 2.4.14-pre5) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.14-2414p8.gz 04Nov01 (Against 2.4.14-pre8) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.15-2414.gz 06Nov01 (Against 2.4.14) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.16-2417p2.gz 02Dec01 (Against 2.4.17-pre2) (Changelog) ext3-2.4-0.9.17-2418p3.gz 10Jan02 (Against 2.4.18-pre3) (Changelog) Or am I missing something here, like the ext3 file itself. Please help! Regards D Snuggs.