The xvmstat dtrace script gives me an outrageous value for swap: w swap free re maj mf 264 17592185983072 2014 5 0 529 the ''top'' command shows it correctly: Memory: 128G real, 2088M free, 130G swap in use, 23G swap free It looks like the problem is that my system is returning a higher value for swapfs_minfree than availrmem, so `availrmem - `swapfs_minfree is a negative number, and that um, does not compute. Taking code from xvmstat: # cat ./mem.d #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs dtrace:::BEGIN { printf("k_anoninfo.ani_max : %9d\n", `k_anoninfo.ani_max); printf("k_anoninfo.ani_phys_resv : %9d\n", `k_anoninfo.ani_phys_resv); printf("k_anoninfo.ani_mem_resv : %9d\n", `k_anoninfo.ani_mem_resv); printf("availrmem : %9d\n", `availrmem); printf("swapfs_minfree : %9d\n", `swapfs_minfree); printf("_pagesize : %9d\n\n", `_pagesize); this->ani_max = `k_anoninfo.ani_max; printf("this->ani_max is %9d\n", this->ani_max); this->ani_resv = `k_anoninfo.ani_phys_resv + `k_anoninfo.ani_mem_resv; printf("this->ani_resv is %9d\n", this->ani_resv); this->swap = (this->ani_max - this->ani_resv > 0 ? this->ani_max - this->ani_resv : 0) + `availrmem - `swapfs_minfree; printf("this->swap is %9d\n", this->swap); this->swap *= `_pagesize; printf("this->swap is %9d\n", this->swap); this->swap /= 1048576; printf("this->swap is %9d\n", this->swap); exit(0); } # ./mem.d k_anoninfo.ani_max : 9995349 k_anoninfo.ani_phys_resv : 7061224 k_anoninfo.ani_mem_resv : 10031698 availrmem : 1277036 swapfs_minfree : 2061000 _pagesize : 8192 this->ani_max is 9995349 this->ani_resv is 17092922 this->swap is 18446744073701670079 this->swap is 18446744009144000512 this->swap is 17592185982841 So, any idea on how to correctly calculate swap? -- This message posted from