Hi, I run backup at night, the most important directories archived using tar. Since then disappears system''s memory (about 1Gb). I tested this process with memleak.d from http://blogs.sun.com/sanjeevb and find many leaks for tar: # findleaks.pl /tmp/tarlog | more Ptr=0x445e8 Size=48 libc.so.1`malloc+0x64 libc.so.1`calloc+0x58 tar`0x1ad68 tar`0x1ae44 tar`0x1b16c tar`0x145c4 tar`0x136c0 tar`main+0xb18 tar`_start+0x108 --------- Ptr=0x44578 Size=10240 libc.so.1`malloc+0x64 libc.so.1`calloc+0x58 tar`0x1502c tar`0x1495c tar`0x1495c tar`0x1495c tar`0x1495c tar`0x136c0 tar`main+0xb18 tar`_start+0x108 and more... And for example on command `cp /export/home/* /opt/tmp` I detected memory leaks to?. Who still blame for the memory loss - tar or the system? -- This message posted from opensolaris.org