On 11/24/06, Melanie Pfefer <melanie_pfefer at yahoo.co.uk>
wrote:> I am writing a D script to stop any process named "xcalc" that
performs an ioctl.
> The proble description I tought of is:
> :::ioctl
> the right one is:
> syscall::ioctl:entry
> 1] why syscall and entry are in the probe description?
The probe descriptor is the tuple
In your example, you are invoking the "entry" probe from the
"syscall" provider.
> 2] ioctl can be a function or a name. Why the function was chosen?
There are 2 probes provided by syscall provider. The "syscall
function entry" and the "syscall function return". ioctl is the
function that was called by xcalc. Your DTrace script tells DTrace to
fire when the ioctl function is entered.
Ref: Chapter 1 of Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide.
Just me,
Wire ...