Hi I have dovecot-2.36.4 (director +5 nodes) - backend to auth is openldap+keepalived to second ldap For test i shutdown my ldap server - keepalive? works perfectly VIP switched - ldapserach works ok (all connect to second ldap) but I noticed strange dovecot behavior - some user get "no response" or "waiting waiting" in dovecot i use: auth_cache_negative_ttl = 5 mins auth_cache_size = 20 M auth_cache_ttl = 5 mins service lmtp { ? inet_listener lmtp { ??? address = ??? port = 24 ? } ? process_min_avail = 5 protocol lmtp { ? auth_socket_path = director-userdb ? mail_plugins = quota expire notify mail_log ? passdb { ??? args = proxy=y nopassword=y port=24 ??? driver = static ??? name ? } ? syslog_facility = local3 } in ldap server i have: idletimeout???? 256 Any idea ?