> On 13/12/2020 11:49 S?leyman D?zdaban <suleyman.duzdaban at
ankara.edu.tr> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to put UIDL value into X-UIDL: header with Dovecot or
> Sieve?
> As stated in https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Migration page QPopper can do that.
> I'm asking this for preventing clients who are using POP to re-download
> messages and making future migrations easy.
> I can really benefit from inserting UIDL values even only for the new
> messages from now on, but if there is any way to put it into all
> messages in all mailboxes (Maildir) I would be grateful for that too.
> Dovecot version: 2.3.8 (9df20d2db)
> Thanks in advance.
If you are doing migration, you can try pop3_migration_plugin for this. See