Eric Abrahamsen <eric at> writes:
>>> Simply: Is it possible to iterate over users if I'm using the
>>> passwd-file passdb driver? Do I need a SQL-based driver if I want
>>> iterate?
>> What do you mean by "iterate"? If you mean whether you can
look up a
>> password entry in a multi-entry file, then yes, definitely. If you
>> mean to sequentially go through it and do a first/last/best match,
>> probably not.
> Basically I just mean the -A argument to the doveadm commands. For
> example, iterate through all the users and run sa-learn on each user's
> learn/spam folder. If it's got to be SQL, it won't kill me...
Ah. Yes, you can use -A and iterate through users, subject to any constraints
such as first_valid_uid, last_valid_uid, etc.
Joseph Tam <jtam.home at>