* Sachin Kulkarni1 <SK00335601 at
TechMahindra.com>:> Hello All,
> I am trying to execute dovecot by below command
> /opt/app/dovecot/latest/sbin/dovecot -c
> I am getting below error
> doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file
/opt/app/dovecot/latest/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: default_login_user doesn't
exist: dovenull
> please guide me to resolve this.
Create the user dovenull!
Dovecot uses two system users for internal purposes now by default:
"dovenull" and "dovecot". You need to create the
"dovenull" user or
change default_login_user setting. "dovenull" user is used by
untrustworthy processes, while "dovecot" user is used for slightly
trusted processes.
If you want to be using something else than "dovecot" as the other
you need to change default_internal_user setting.
Just like with "dovecot" user, "dovenull" doesn't need a
password, home
directory or anything else (but it's good to give it its own private
"dovenull" group).
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