I think I activated sieve, but it's doing nothing. I know manage-sieve
works so I made some rules. But they do nothing.
I ran sieve-test, which seems to work, but does not move the mail I
test. Is this how it works ? I thought the -e parameter just "tested"
the rules and did nothing and my command was supposed to do the "real
thing". I read there should be a log. I don't find this, how should I
enable this ?
I just found that lda can have a separate log. I'll enable this and see.
I read the wiki-page different times, but I don't see what I'm doing
I attached some files. Sieve-test.txt is the command and output from
sieve-test. Phpscript.sieve is the file .dovecot.sieve points to, and
dovecot-config is my dovecot config ;-).
Thanks for any pointers.
Koenraad Lelong.
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