On 10/08/2009 02:49 PM toni at dingsbums.org wrote:> hi all,
> i'm using dovecot deliver (lda) and i want to show quota to the users
> via imap/pop3, but i don't want to enforce it (i.e. don't
> reject/bounce mails when quota is exceeded).
> protocol imap {
> mail_plugins = quota imap_quota
> }
> protocol pop3 {
> mail_plugins = quota
> }
> # In case you're using deliver:
> protocol lda {
> #mail_plugins = quota
> }
> does it work if i just comment out the "mail_plugin = quota" in
> protocol lda section and leave the imap/pop3 configuration or is there
> another better way to do this?
When you only disable the quota plugin in the lda section, then quota
values will be updated on imap/pop3 login. If a user reaches her/his
quota limit, he/she will no longer be able to move messages from one
folder to an other one.
If you would have provided the necessary information, I probably could
provide an appropriate solution. But my crystal ball told me that you
are using SQL based quotas. so replace:
quota = dict:user::proxy::quotadict
quota = dict:user::noenforcing:proxy::quotadict
In order to prevent mail bounces (while enforcing the quota rules) you
can set quota_full_tempfail to yes in protocol lda {?} section.
The trapper recommends today: decade.0928401 at localdomain.org