On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 16:26 -0600, Steven F Siirila
wrote:> In trying to determine why someone was unable to use port 110 w/STLS (POP)
> I had great difficulty finding the session in which the user switched to
> this port from using port 995. This is because Dovecot does not log any
> port number information.
Added %a = local port and %b = remote port in CVS. They can be used in
login_log_format_elements setting (not in dovecot-auth yet, that'd be
too large change).
> Furthermore, it isn't obvious to me if it logs
> whether a session was negotiated SSL (via STARTTLS w/IMAP or STLS w/POP)
> or started out SSL (ports 993 and 995).
%c expands to SSL=imaps/pop3s port, TLS=STARTTLS. Maybe I should change
those some day..
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