On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 12:23 +0200, jan wrote:> Hi all,
> I use dovecot-1.0-alpha2.
> Way can't auth process shutdown in a clean way. I allways discover
> lot of zombies for dovecot-auth, in a short time before shootingdown by
> linux.
> But everything work fine for client side.
You use PAM I think? And how short time do you mean? Dovecot-auth
currently cleans up the zombies once in a second. It doesn't mean that
they aren't shut down cleanly, it just means that the process's parent
hasn't yet acknowledged that the child exited.
It would be possible to clean up the zombies faster by checking SIGCHLD
signal, but I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. Or I actually did
that already with master process rewrite, but that got delayed until
Dovecot v2.0..
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