I''m new with cruisecontrol.rb, and just started working with it with
repos. In standard configuration, all is great.
But I found that when I wanted to enable clean builds it broke down.
I set:
project.do_clean_checkout :always
In my project stanza as well as,
project.source_control = SourceControl::Git.new(
:repository => "git://.....",
:branch => "master")
And the net result was the work directory was deleted, then the ccrb
started complaining there was no work directory (on the console)... and
things were no good until I removed the do_clean_checkout stanza and
manually recloned the git tree.
This is under cc.rb 1.4.0.
Any help here would be appreciated. I''d love to force clean checkouts
for all these builds.
Sean Dague Mid-Hudson Valley
sean at dague dot net Linux Users Group
http://dague.net http://mhvlug.org
There is no silver bullet. Plus, werewolves make better neighbors
than zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.
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