Chris Gerhard skrev:> Thomas T?rnblom wrote:
>> I have just upgraded my system to snv_109 and had hoped to be able to
>> use the Crossbow vnics in my zone.
>> I have created a vnic on top of my on-board e1000g, and it appears to
>> work fine from the global zone, but when I try to use it from the
>> local zone I can access anything on the local LAN, except the router.
>> If I''m snooping the ip-address of the local zones vnic from
the global
>> zone I see that icmp echo:s from the local zone to the router goes to
>> the router and the replies comes back, but they don''t seem to
>> the zone.
>> If I instead plumb the interface in the global zone the replies gets
>> through.
> Odd. I have this set up on build 108 and it works o.k. Vnics in internet
> facing zone[s] talking to the router perfectly.
>> I can successfully ping the local zone from another system on the lan.
> your zone does have a default route set?
Yes, and it points to the router.
Removing that default route does not make it work
I have been using a zone exclusive rge interface, and I just
reconfigured the zone to use the vnic instead of the rge.
I even rebooted the whole system, figuring that there might be some
leftover filters active.
>> What am I missing?