On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 10:36 AM, andrew rader <andrew.r.rader at
> Hi all,
> I've recently become interesting in how all of the pieces of X/compiz
> come together to do what it does, and after going through compiz's
> code, I have a few questions that I just can't seem to find any
> answers to.
> first, how does compiz know what geometry to use for the textured
> "window" objects? It obviously can't use the width and height
of the
> window, since opengl's coordinates are going to be much different (ie.
> between -1 and 1). I tried looking through the code, but I can't find
> anything that appears to convert from X window coords to OpenGL
> coords.
> second, how is the user's input mapped to windows? If my understanding
> of compiz being an opengl app is correct, any input will be to the
> compiz window rather than the window the user perceives to be active.
> Is there a simple way of redirecting these inputs? or does compiz have
> to manually map an input event to the correct window?
Just catching up on this list, and am curious about the same questions.
I don't see a response on the list, did you get a private response you can
share with the list, or does someone have links to where to read more about
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