On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 00:28:11 -0000, Stephen Moore <delfick755 at
> On Dec 30, 2007 9:00 AM, twager <ted at trufflesdad.plus.com> wrote:
>> Have just initiated the explode animation...Anyone tell me the keys to
>> actuate it ?
> hello
> firstly, wrong list, explode is a compiz-fusion effect.
> secondly, there is no keys to activate it as such.
> It depends on what action you have set it for.
> It can be set for window closing, opening or minimising.
> So which ever window action you set it for will be the one that makes
> that effect happen.
> btw, there is a forum for asking questions at
> http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/
Hi Ted,
If you are not sure about the difference between Compiz and Compiz Fusion
that Stephen pointed out, you could have a look here: