We've passed the deadline for new entries in the logo contest. We had a very good turnout with 11 high quality designs submitted. We will now have 3 days of discussion and unlimited modifications to these 11 designs after which we'll have a poll lasting 3 days. Since this brings us to Christmas Eve there will be no time for runoff polls before the holidays in the event one design fails to win a majority (which is pretty likely when we have 11 to choose from). There is some discussion here http://forum.go-compiz.org/viewtopic.php?t=193 regarding how we should handle additional polls and when we would have them. Please make you opinion known so we can announce the plan prior to the beginning of voting. You can find the 11 entries here: http://www.go-compiz.org/index.php?title=Contest The discussion thread is here: http://forum.go-compiz.org/viewtopic.php?t=258 Nice work everyone!!