What I'm wondering here, what's the benefit of running the CentOS 7
machine on VMware instead of EL8?
> Everyone,
> My final solution to the moving a Centos 7 machine to VMWare turned out to
> be the use of
> vCenter Converter Standalone that has to be executed on a Windows
> machine. I ran
> this product on a kvm guest Windows 10 machine and it worked very well.
> The transfer had
> to be done while the Centos 7 machine was booted. I have used this now to
> transfer a kvm
> guest Centos 7 machine and a physical machine Centos 7 both to VMWare.
> There was a problem when I booted both machines that occurred at the
> beginning of the boot
> process before the kernel was accepted. The screen was filed with error
> messages which
> stated repetitively :
> "error: can't find command ':'"
> I had to enter a <Cr> several times to bypass the error messages and
> the boot proceed
> normally.
> I found :
> Apparently the VMWare converter has a bug in it that adds ": " to
> beginning of a line
> that starts with "#" in /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
> All I needed to do was to edit grub.cfg and remove the ": " that
> present in many of
> the lines that had previously been commented.
> A reboot was normal.
> If any of you find a way to do this task with Linux I would surely like to
> hear from you,
> but if you are looking for a way to make a migration from a physical
> machine or guest
> machine to VMWare this worked well.
> Greg Ennis
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