On 01/28/2021 11:46 AM, jtj at tssystems.net wrote:> El 28/1/21 a las 16:52, H escribi?:
>> Is anyone running Telegram on CentOS 7? I see that it seems to be
available as a snap and also in the getpagespeed repository. I try to avoid snap
apps but am not familiar with the latter repository.
>> Does anyone have experience with either source for the program?
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> I'm running the binary from the official web without problems
> https://desktop.telegram.org
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Thank you, I just installed it and it seems to run fine. However, I then moved
the application to another directory but I am unable to edit the location of the
application the entry in the Internet menu in the Mate desktop on CentOS 7.
For some reason it is in the menu system (but cannot be used to launch the
application since I moved the binaries) but when I try to edit this menu this
entry does not show up among the entries available to edit/move/delete (and
hence cannot be edited)...
Is this a bug? Can i force the menu system to reinitialize to correct this? (I
cannot reboot the system)