Hello everyone - I have a minor problem with yum-cron. It has been doing this for a long time, and finally today I got annoyed enough to want to fix it. The problem: When yum-cron sends an email notification, the message is sent without a date field. Therefore it shows up in my inbox as "date: Unknown" and sorts to the opposite end of the list. The system is CentOS 7.4.1708 with all patches. Yum-cron is version 3.4.3-154. The email headers look like this: Return-Path: <root at campercaver.net> X-Original-To: bgee at campercaver.net Delivered-To: bgee at campercaver.net Received: from boinc01.billgee.local (unknown []) by campercaver.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 94EA62C0C70 for <bgee at campercaver.net>; Thu, 18 Jan 2018 03:44:26 -0600 (CST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Subject: Yum: Updates installed on boinc01.billgee.local From: root at campercaver.net To: bgee at campercaver.net X-Spambayes-Classification: ham; 0.00 As you can see, there is no "Date:" field. I don't see anything in /etc/yum/yum-cron.conf that might affect this. I also see nothing in /etc/mail.rc,l though in this case it might not be using that file. The system does not have an smtp server on it. Yum-cron.conf specifies another server for smtp. It obviously works since I receive emails from it. Is this a bug in yum-cron? Am I missing something obvious? Thanks! -- Bill Gee