hi all,
in case someone else runs into it, it is the opfed-scripts rpm that has
a postinstall and postuninstall script that changes the yum.conf (bad,
mellanox, bad)
for a pure/regular uninstall it works fine, but to swap ibutils from
mlnxofed to ib stack from os, yum obviously doesn't know that the
exclude will be removed.
i've seen worse in vendor-provided rpms, but i guess it caught me
offguard ;)
On 09/30/2017 11:51 AM, Stijn De Weirdt wrote:> hi johnny,
>>> anyone any hints how to debug this or some clues what could be
>>> wrong here.
>> Do you have an exclude in /etc/yum.conf for ibutils-libs?
> how embarassing. there was indeed an exclude on ibutils-libs. (this must
> be some leftover from using mlnx ofed. we are switching from c73+mlnx
> ofed 3.4 to c74 stock ib (there's no mlnxofed3.4 for c74, and our old
> testbed has connectx2, so we can't use mlnxofed 4.1) )
> never start debugging things on a friday evening i guess ;)
> thanks and sorry for the noise.
> stijn
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