Check that you have something like this in the Apache conf for that
<Directory "/var/www/">
AllowOverride All
Override there means that .htpasswd file can override the main Apache conf.
It does not really need to be "AllowOverride All", only some options
needed. But if you have "AllowOverride None", then .htpassword will
no effect at all.
- Jussi
On 13.2.2013 17.18, Carmelo Ingrao wrote:> Hello,
> I'm new here, and after trying by myself, I'm looking for some help
> I have installed webalizer, on my CentOS 6 server. Root path for webalizer
is /var/www/usage/
> It's working, but after putting a .htaccess in /var/www/usage/ and the
appropriate .htpasswd in /var/www/html/auth/ there is no password asked.
> Here are my files :
> .htacess :
> AuthName ?Veuillez vous identifier?
> AuthType Basic
> AuthUserFile ?/var/www/html/auth/.htpasswd?
> .htpasswd :
> carmelo:myencryptedpassword(with htpasswd)
> Can you please help me ?
> Thanks,
> Carmelo
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