Le 2012-02-25 22:01, fakessh @ a ?crit?:> hi guys
> hi master of "Fu"
> any information for dovecot update on centos 5
> I am looking for information on the people running release 2.1.0 and
> 2.1.1 of dovecot
> I edited rpms sources here.
> http://ns.fakessh.eu/rpms/dovecot-2.1.0-2.centme.el5.src.rpm
> http://ns.fakessh.eu/rpms/dovecot-2.1.1-2.centme.el5.src.rpm
> compilation goes well but after installation and restart the services
> I
> am a victim of such error is
> 2012-02-25 04:29:44imap(fakessh): Fatal: master: service(imap): child
> 15407 killed with signal 11 (core dumps disabled)
> any idees for fix this
> _______________________________________________
after numerous attempts to run the rpm package for dovecot 2.1.1 has
been necessary to completely remove the antispam plugin and everything
went well after dovecot 2.1.1 works fine
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key C2626742
http://urlshort.eu fakessh @
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