Dear all, I have a working 802.1x structure with a bunch of Cisco switches, and a couple of NPS RADIUS servers. 802.1x auhtentication with MSCHAPv2 is working with Windows clients and I need to get some Centos clients into the structure. I've been using wpa_supplicant and now it would be usefull to have an auto start script when the interface detects a link and call the supplicant to authenticate the user prior to request an IP to the DHCP server. I've seen on ubuntu-like systems a pre-up set of options. Is there anything like that on Centos? Exists some way to detect a link on the interface, start the supplicant and after that start the interface with the configuration under ifcg-eth0 ? Sorry if this was discussed previusly. Thanks in advance. -- Peter
Vreme: 11/07/2011 02:27 PM, Peter von Nostrand pi?e:> when the interface detects a linkWhat do you exactly mean by this? is this on Ethernet or...? NetworkManager might have options you need, but I am for now not sure what exactly needs to happen. And are those CentOS clients CentOS 5's or 6's? -- Ljubomir Ljubojevic (Love is in the Air) PL Computers Serbia, Europe Google is the Mother, Google is the Father, and traceroute is your trusty Spiderman... StarOS, Mikrotik and CentOS/RHEL/Linux consultant