On 01/02/06, Plant, Dean <dean.plant at roke.co.uk>
wrote:> We are thinking of using pxe boot with a windows ris server to start off
> a Centos 4 install. Does anyone know if this is possible?
I've never done it myself but turned up a few links a few weeks back
which imply it's feasible...
Eric Cook of Intel also reports that the TFTPD server from Win2000
Server RIS can be used:
The trick is to install RIS, but DON'T configure it with the GUI.
Instead, do the following:
In the registry, add the folder
In the Parameters folder, add a key called Directory, with a value of
the TFTP root directory path.
With the Services GUI, configure the TFTPD service for Automatic start
and start it.
If you DO configure the RIS in Win2k, you end up with the MS PXE
stuff, which is ugly to get rid of.
However, Christian "Dr. Disk" Hechelmann reports having success with
using the Windows RIS as-is, and has sent a nice writeup on how to set
it up. See this link...