On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 05:35 -0700, G Gambill wrote:> Where does Centos expect to find the source for a kernel rebuild???
> George
> _______________________________________________
For CentOS-3, you install the packages kernel-source and the source code
is in /usr/src/linux-2.4 and also in linux-xxxxx.EL (where xxxxx is the
For CentOS-4, there is a kernel-sourcecode rpm ... but it doesn't work
as expected and will probably be dropped in the future. (RHEL does not
produce this file and it now builds only as a --target noarch ... so it
doesn't get arch related patches). For compiling (most) drivers, you
can just install the kernel-devel (or kernel-smp-devel, etc.) package.
If you want to rebuild your kernel, you can get a arch specific tree
like this:
download install the kernel src.rpm like this:
rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.9-11.EL.src.rpm
Then go to your SPECS directory for SRPMS ... the default
is /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
There should be a kernel-2.6.spec file. You can get a good tree like
(from within the SPECS directory)
rpmbuild -bp --target i686 kernel-2.6.spec
then you would go to the ../BUILD/kernel-xxxx/linux-xxxx directory ...
that is the main kernel directory. You can copy it to /usr/src/ and use
it like you would the CentOS-3 one above.
once you have copied out the kernel source dir, you can remove the files
and directories under BUILD, SPECS, SOURCES in /usr/src/redhat/
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