On Sat, 13 Jun 2009, Marcus Moeller wrote:
> I have started working on the next Pulse issue #0902 and therefor
> copied the template to the Editing section.
Great. I was planning to do the same this weekend :)
> I would like to contribute the following articles:
> A short introduction of the Artwork SIG
> Getting started with Multimedia on CentOS
Remember that the newsletter is not the place to create new content that
ought to go somewhere else in the Wiki. We don't want information to be
stored in an old newsletter that people are expected to find in eg.
Also the newsletter is no longer maintained once it is released, while
other Wiki articles are.
> It would be great if ppl like Russ could help out on final grammar and
> word phrase correction.
Everyone is able to help with grammar. If you have found any mistakes
prior to the release, nothing should be stopping you to correct them
(given you have access).
> PS: Dag, please shedule the Newsletter Team meetings.
I will.
-- dag wieers, dag at centos.org, dag.wieers.com --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]