Carl Pelletier
2009-Jan-15 12:58 UTC
[Backgroundrb-devel] Something I just don''t understand about the workers and job_key
Hi everyone, I will try to be concise as possible to explain my problem. I building a admin section on my site to manage all my ruby scripts. I want to remove the script from cron and put them in backgroundrb so every admin user can start/stop those scripts when they want. So the script start first from the scheduler(yml) to be sure they run each day. The way I understand bgrb, less worker is better. So I would like to reuse the worker started from the scheduler in my rails admin to start again the task sync_ezdeal. I have a worker started from backgroundrb.yml file like this: --- :backgroundrb: :port: 11006 :ip: :result_storage: memcache :memcache: "localhost:11211,localhost:11211" :schedules: :ezdeal_worker: :sync_ezdeal: :trigger_args: 0 30 3 * * * * ---------------- #This script run each night at 3:30. My Worker: class EzdealWorker < BackgrounDRb::MetaWorker set_worker_name :ezdeal_worker pool_size 1 def sync_ezdeal(args = nil) .... #do job cache[:filename] = xml_file # This is the filename of a generated xml file that the job sync_ezdeal build and save on disk. This filename must be unique each time the task sync_ezdeal is called. So i can look at the file from the admin site. end My call in the controller to start a new job is that: MiddleMan.worker(:ezdeal_worker).enq_sync_ezdeal(:job_key =>current_time, :arg =>{:filename=>current_time,:local =>''/Users/carl/ gm_core/log/ezdeal/ezdeal.xml''}) The job is queued correctly but when I try to get the :filename that doesnt work. This is my view: <% @tasks = BdrbJobQueue.find(:all,:order =>''id DESC'') @tasks.each do |task| %> <tr> <td width="5%" align="center"><%=h></td> <td width="20%"><%=h task.worker_method %></td> <td width="20%"><%=h time_ago_in_words(task.submitted_at) %></td> <td width="20%"><%=h time_ago_in_words(task.started_at) unless task.started_at.blank?%></td> <td width="20%"><%=h time_ago_in_words(task.finished_at) if task.finished? %></td> <td width="20%"><%=h task.finished? %></td> <td width="20%" align="right"> <!-- Action td --> <%=link_to ''log_file '',ezdeal_log_file_admin_task_path (MiddleMan.worker(task.worker_name).ask_result(:filename)) if task.finished?%> ##### This is were i retreive the filename from the worker. This should came from the database?no? like task.args[:filename] </td> </tr> <%end%> I don''t known how to fetch the filename for each job (with the job_key??). Because the ask_result is alway overright when I start a new job. The way I understand it is the cache array is the same for all workers of the same type. so the cache[:filename] is overight each time the sync_ezdeal is called. I tried by creating a new worker each time, it''s working, but that look overkill to me. Is there a way to retreive the good key? I saw in the database the field args that old the data push in the cache array. Is there a way to retreive it? Because currently the data look to have strange character in it. In the database it''s a binary object.. Not sure what to do with that... ex:args | \004\010{\007:\015filename"\02414012009_155548:\012local"./Users/carl/ gm_core/log/ezdeal/ezdeal.xml Thanks for any help! I hope I am clear enough! Carl Pelletier