On Aug 16, 2006, at 10:01 AM, mattp at digimonkey.com wrote:
> I''m sure this is the billionth newbie help request on here, but I
> am hitting my head against the wall on this.
> I''ve tried numberous of Ezra''s examples that I was able
to find
> online. The best I''m able to get is nothing happens and
> log says:
> NoMethodError (undefined method `progress'' for #<PingWorker:
> 0x3a786c0>):
> /app/controllers/operations_controller.rb:13:in
> Any ideas? I''m sure there''s a basic thing I''m
not doing right... but
> I couldn''t figure out what that might be, based on the
> [mp]
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Hi Matt-
It looks like you are missing something. Can you post your worker
class? It looks like you either need a progress method or you need to
set attr_accessor :progress in your worker.