Any help?
Do I need to post my issue to dev ?
On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 10:55 AM SAMPro <mousavy.system2005 at>
> Hi
> I need to check the return value of a sub, the sub may return empty so I
> need to check for that. If the return value isn't empty set another
> variable (ARG1) . This is the code I've used in extension.conf, but
> work (the CLI log is after the code).
> *Extension.conf:*
> [macro-dial]
> same => 1,GosubIf($["${CHANNEL(peername):0:4}" >
> same => n,Set(ARG1=${IF($["${GOSUB_RETVAL}" != ""
& "${GOSUB_RETVAL}" !>
> [sub-apply_peer_incom_trans_profiles]
> exten => s,1,NoOp()
> ;Currently this sub is empty because no profile is set.
> same => n,Return()
> *The CLI logs:*
> -- Executing [5151 at from-trunk:2]
> "dial,5151,20") in new stack
> -- Executing [s at macro-dial:1]
> "1?sub-apply_peer_incom_trans_profiles,s,1(5151)") in new stack
> == Channel 'SIP/peer-1-00000000' jumping out of macro
> -- Executing [s at sub-apply_peer_incom_trans_profiles:1]
> NoOp("SIP/peer-1-00000000", "") in new stack
> -- Executing [s at sub-apply_peer_incom_trans_profiles:2]
> Return("SIP/peer-1-00000000", "") in new stack
> -- Executing [s at macro-dial:2] Set("SIP/peer-1-00000000",
"ARG1=") in
> new stack
> We are using Asterisk 11.
> The return value of "sub-apply_peer_incom_trans_profiles" may
> nothing or 0 characters (from a regex expression evaluation).
> I can simply return ARG1 in
"sub-apply_peer_incom_trans_profiles" to
> resolve the issue, but this really challenged me to find another solution
> and make IF work.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards.
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