2015-Apr-12 05:37 UTC
[asterisk-users] `asterisk -x reload` does not working in `while` expression.
Hello, Reload extensions.conf works well both in CLI and excute `asterisk -x reload` in shell. But it does not working with `while` expression. I use fish shell but it also does not working in bash. ``` while inotifywait -e MOVE_SELF /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf asterisk -x 'help core reload' asterisk -x 'core reload' asterisk -x 'dialplan reload' asterisk -x 'module reload' asterisk -x 'config reload extensions.conf' sleep 2 end Setting up watches. Watches established. /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf MOVE_SELF Privilege escalation protection disabled! See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/1gKfAQ for more details. Usage: core reload Execute a global reload. Privilege escalation protection disabled! See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/1gKfAQ for more details. Privilege escalation protection disabled! See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/1gKfAQ for more details. Dialplan reloaded. Privilege escalation protection disabled! See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/1gKfAQ for more details. Privilege escalation protection disabled! See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/1gKfAQ for more details. Setting up watches. Watches established. ``` You can see `help core reload` working. But any reload command does not working with changed extensions.conf. Please anyone can test this? here is bash version, ``` while inotifywait -e MOVE_SELF /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf; do asterisk -x 'reload'; sleep 2; done (then edit and save extensions.conf) ``` ubuntu 14.04 asterisk 11.7 Thanks. -- YCH