> I've been having some issues with srtp. so I checked which version of
libsrtp I built asterisk
> 11.6 against. I'm on fedora 21, so
> From https://github.com/cisco/libsrtp it seems that latest release is
1.5.1, released a couple
> of weeks ago.
> I'm not a fan of the bleeding edge, but using a version 4+ years old
seems strange even to me.
> But, on the other hand, it seems to Work For Me.
> Anybody using 1.5.1 ?
It shouldn't matter, provided it is the current version 1.4.2.
On RedHat like systems I use the srtp epel package, but I also work with
yum-priorities. So far
I have not seen any difficulties. Building from source is also very easy.