I have a polycom phone IP-330. I am trying to dial extension 1104 and 410. 1104 is another asterisk box and 410 is an IP SIP device. ==== For 1104 and calling into an asterisk machine: If I enter 1104 then hit the Dial button it works just fine. If I Hit "New Call" then enter 1104 it does not work - I hear busy signal. The message on CLI is "failed to authenticate user 522" ==== For 410 and calling into an IP SIP device: If I enter 410 then hit the Dial button it works just fine. If I hit "New Call" then enter 410 if works just fine. What am I missing in the astertisk setup to allow the "new call" enter 1104 to work? I tried adding "canreinvite=yes" on the asterisk setup. canreinvite=yes is already set for the polycom phone. Thanks, Jerry