2009-Jun-20 07:48 UTC
[asterisk-users] Join Asterisk Global Meeting Sunday June 21 using VOIP - BerkeleyTIP
Come help BTIP get our new Asterisk box configured for VOIP conferencing. Especially - install a monitor that shows the people in the conference, & perhaps info like volume level, etc. :) =Join the friendly Asterisk Global [& ALL FREE SW HW & CULTURE] community Meeting: this Sunday, June 21, using VOIP, 10A - 6P Pacific USA time [GMT - 8? 7? hours] 1P - 9P Eastern USA = 6P - 2A??? GMT - Daylight savings correction? +7 hours? at the BerkeleyTIP Global Free SW HW & Culture meeting CONNECT VIA VOIP (& IRC): Join IRC channel #berkeleytip on, & we'll help get you connected on VOIP. Have a VOIP headset. LOCAL MEETING NEW LOCATION: Free speech cafe closed Sundays in summer. Watch the BTIP local list for final in person UCB meeting location details: GENERIC HOURLY SCHEDULE, & MARK YOUR CALENDAR - NEXT 3 MEETINGS: Sun June 21, Sat July 4, Sun July 19 Join the mailing list, introduce yourself, tell us what projects you are interested in, invite others to join your project: BTIP-Global ====HOT TOPICs: Oracle owns OpenOffice & MySQL - What help is needed? KDE 4 aps need work - especially Calendar?! Open Hardware - Robotics? POLL: ** How about 2x per month Weekday Evening BTIP-Global Meetings? ** 1) The Wednesday & Thursday _after_ the BTIP weekend meetings? 2) The Monday & Tuesday _before_ the BTIP weekend meetings? 3) Other? Your suggestions? - Join the mailing list & send in your opinions/thoughts/suggestions. GROUP PROJECT - Asterisk VOIP conference server: We've now got our own Asterisk VOIP conference server. [Thanks, Windsor & Jack! :) ] Help: - get a user channel members status page working - get SIP & Skype ability? YOUR PROJECT - LET US KNOW, GET SOME VOLUNTEER HELP: VIDEOS - OPPORTUNITY - FINDER VOLUNTEER NEEDED No videos this month, cause David & I are too busy. Do you want to find some for us all to watch? Check out this link, email the list & let us know you'd like to volunteer. :) See the mailing lists for the latest info/changes: JOIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT LIST - 1 or 2 announcements per month: FOR FORWARDING: You are invited to forward this message to anywhere appropriate.
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