rob.r374 at
2009-May-13 17:35 UTC
[asterisk-users] Why asterisk changes RTP destination port when it receives first RTP packet in opposite direction despite canreinvite=no
Hi, I'm connecting Asterisk v. 1.4.10 to Zanzibar Open IVR that acts as a SIP trunk. Since recognition didn't work correctly, I've troubleshot with Wireshark and saw that RTP stream is first send to one port on SIP trunk and then when first RTP packet arrives in opposite direction (from TTS part of Zanzibar - it's a prompt) Asterisk starts sending to the same RTP port - therefore changing destination port. I'm calling sip trunk with IAX2 client, have put canreinvite=no in sip.conf and in trunk definition.... What am I doing wrong ? Anyone else tried Zanzibar (for those not familiar - it's a first open source based way of doing speech recognition and synthesis in convenient way) ? Thanks in advance, regards, Rob. Trunk definition : [Zanzibar] type=peer host= port=5090 dtmfmode=info canreinvite=no qualify=no Extension definition for calling IVR : exten => 510,1,Answer exten => 510,2,SIPAddHeader(x-channel:${CHANNEL}) exten => 510,3,SIPAddHeader(x-application:beanId|Parrot) exten => 510,4,Dial(SIP/Zanzibar)