On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Brent Vrieze <bvrieze at
> I got no resonses to this and some funny bounces so I'm trying again.
> First of all Merry Christmas.
> Second, my first problem with my provider not staying registered with
> our server was my fault. We moved our server room and I restarted the
> test system and the production system causing them to ping-pong back and
> forth registering with our provider causing random problems, they are
> both set to register with the same account right now. I shut Asterisk
> down on the one and now we don't drop any longer. doh!!!
> Last, We are having DTMF problems with our provider (via:talk). Does
> anyone have any experience with them and if so can you share it?
> via:talk does have a sample sip.conf and extensions.conf file to use but
> the dial plan they set up does not require any DTMF so they may never
> have tested it. We have tried inband, auto, rfc2833 for our DTMF and
> nothing works. I have submitted a ticket with them but the last time I
> did that they never responded so that is why I am posting here.
> I signed up with another SIP provider for a test account and the DTMF
> passes no problem from them so I must conclude there is some setting
> that via:talk has that is causing the problem. via:talk will not
> confirm this but they must be using Asterisk as all the menus and such
> they have feel very Asteriskish. Is there something I can tell via:talk
> to try on their end to make this work?
> As a side symptem every time our system registers with via:talk it seams
> to jump from server to server on their end. They must have some sort of
> load balancing going on that is causing that. In the past we could get
> the DTMF to pass when we were on the initial server we registered with
> but when we got pushed to another server the DTMF would fail till I did
> a sip reload or restarted Astersk. Now we get no DTMF ever.
> System set up.
> Asterisk 1.4.22
> Asterisk GUI 2.0
> users.conf
> [trunk_1]
> context = DID_trunk_1
> host = galvatron.vtnoc.net
> username = user name
> secret = password
> trunkname = via:talk - galvatron ; GUI metadata
> hasiax = no
> registeriax = no
> hassip = yes
> registersip = yes
> trunkstyle = voip
> hasexten = no
> fromuser = user name
> authuser = user name
> insecure = port,invite
> dtmf = rfc2833
> dtmfmode = rfc2833
> relaxdtmf = yes
> rfc2833compensate = yes
> port = 5060
> canreinvite = no
> fromdomain = galvatron.vtnoc.net
> disallow = all
> allow = ulaw,gsm
> If you need to see more of the setup info I can provide.
> Thanks
> Brent
I have the same problems with Viatalk. The problem is with their
servers. You are pointed to galvatron.vtnoc.net which is one of those. I
currently have mine working by using their "old" servers. Try calling
support, changing your account to rfc2833 if you haven't already and then
point to chicago-1e.vtnoc.net with your same settings . You will have DTMF
working, but I am not sure when the "old" servers are going away.
Good Luck,
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