I have two Sipura 3000 setup with Asterisk using dtmfmode=rfc2833 and everything is working perfectly. I setup another system using Linksys 3102 with Asterisk and I can not get RFC 2833 to work. They have identical setting when it comes to "Audio Configuration" except "Linksys 3102" has an additional setting: DTMF Tx Mode: which Sipura 3K doesn't have. Sipura 3K works; Linksys 3102 DOES NOT I've tried all kinds of configuration under DTMF: AVT, Auto; Strick, Normal I'm running the latest firmware: 5.1.7(GW) Does anybody have a Linksys 3102 working with Asterisk and RFC2833? If so could someone please share the configuration (Private email is OK). -- #Joseph