I have dual posted this to the user and biz lists. Has anyone ever heard of someone running an Asterisk based system, yet abandoning SugarCRM, and opting to develop their own Visual FoxPro database/CRM? Please don't dump on me now, this is not my idea, I am just asking for comments, to see if my own initial thoughts are reasonably accurate. joe a.
Joe acquisto wrote:>I have dual posted this to the user and biz lists. > >Has anyone ever heard of someone running an Asterisk based system, yet abandoning SugarCRM, and opting to develop their own Visual FoxPro database/CRM? > >Please don't dump on me now, this is not my idea, I am just asking for comments, to see if my own initial thoughts are reasonably accurate. > > >I'll answer it on the user list. I don't think the idea is developed enough to discuss on biz. First - vtiger is available for those who don't like the SugarCRM licensing. Second - developing your own CRM is an ambitious undertaking. You need good reasons to go in that direction. Third - I have enough exposure to Visual FoxPro to quickly rule it out as a choice for anything new. The fact that somebody is proposing to use it might give you the idea that they don't know what they are talking about at all. BTW - my exposure to it did include things like access from linux apps using ODBC so I know enough to hate the product.