Hi all. I'm trying to determine the reason for call failure (busy, no answer, no such number, etc...). Calls are made via the Manager API using the Originate manager command. Originally I thought that the 'reason' property within the OriginateResponse could be used for this purpose, but with Asterisk 1.2.* versions the reason always returned a '1' for all types of failures (busy, no answer, no such number, etc...) and a '4' in the event of success/call was answered. I have asked around on this mailing list about this issue before and got a reply that the reason code is a bit of mess and that it is set according to the last communication frame read from the originated channel. I recently installed Asterisk 1.4.2 and noticed that its returning somewhat different reason values for different types of failure. From my limited tests (using only SIP channels) I got the following: 0 = No such extension / number. 1 = No answer. 4 = Call answered. 8 = Congested / unavailable. I can't seem to find any formal documentation on the 'reason' property and the values it can take on. Can somebody please tell me whether one can indeed use this 'reason' property to determine type of failure? If this is the case what values can it take on and what are their meanings? Thank you. Regards, Jan.