Wilson Pickett
2007-Apr-20 01:41 UTC
[asterisk-users] Friday April 20th Asterisk Users Conference at 12:30PM EDT
Hello again, Mark Spencer will be joining us for questions on at least one of these conferences (we've discussed this and he is definitely onboard with the concept), but his schedule is such that we can't *promise* he'll be there this week. I haven't heard back from him about today, but I'll try to call him right before the conf to remind him. Mark's very busy, so thanks for your patience. There are several ways to be involved. You can listen to the live stream, listen to past recorded conference/podcasts or (BEST) phone in via SIP or PSTN. There is an optional Java client to be able to see who is called in and text chat or post links of interest. We'll try to watch IRC #asterisk for comments as well. To participate in these calls please see http://x2z.eu for the information. You need to have a PIN which is available free from Talkshoe. Their signup is simple and risk-free. The rest is a SIP call away. Join us, please. If you're incredibly paranoid, I'll give away a few anon PINs in #asterisk right before. The incentive of the conference is to bring us all together in an informal and independent platform. Talkshoe.com pays a few pennies for each download and all participants in conferences and other shows. Any money generated from our Talktahon.org conferences goes to helping small entrepreneurs in the third world. See http://www.Kiva.org for more on that.
Apparently Analagous Threads
- Friday April 4th @ 12 Noon EDT: VoIP Users Conference (Asterisk!)
- Friday June 22@12:30PM EDT Asterisk Users Conference
- Reminder: Asterisk Users Conference Friday 12:30PM EDT
- Asterisk Users Conference Friday 12:30 PM EDT
- Asterisk Users Conference Friday, May 4th at 12:30 PM EDT