>From: "Arun Kumar" <arunvoip@gmail.com>
>Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 05:25:58 -0700
>In my dial plan I've configured two trunks to make outbound calls
>and trunk2) to same service provider but I want when any of my exten starts
>with _2. should goto trunk2 and there should be some kind of disturbance
>(like some noise or some background noise) when my calls goes to trunk2 to
>make the call quality bad. Mainly I want to achieve bad call quality on
>trunk2 by adding some noise /echo /latency or something. Please guide me.
This is got to be the strangest requirement I've seen - a penalty box. But
if you must, one way to add noise could be to bring the parties to a
conference, then add a third party to the conf. Another possibility is to
use frequent announcements (don't have to be real announcements, but could
be simple, brief noise) with L option in Dial(). I haven't seen L
announcements working properly, though.
Yuan Liu