And I just saw that Zaptel 1.2.16 is out. I'll give that a try...
On 3/20/07, Noah Miller <>
wrote:> Hi All -
> I've been trying to compile Zaptel w/ HPEC, but I've been
> unsuccessful. The system is CentOS 4.4, zaptel version 1.2.15. I
> believe I've got all the requisite files, and they're in the right
> locations in the zaptel tree. When I compile, I get the following
> warning from make:
> Warning: could not find /usr/src/zaptel-1.2.15/hpec/.hpec_x86_32.o.cmd
> for /usr/src/zaptel-1.2.15/hpec/hpec_x86_32.o
> It's only a warning, so I went ahead with the process of registration
> and activation. Registration went fine, but when I try to activate
> the licenses, it gives the following message:
> Found valid HPEC licenses for 4 channels.
> The Zaptel module on this system appears to have been built without
> HPEC support. Please check your Zaptel build.
> So, apparently, the warning is more than a warning. I'm officially
> out of warranty on my TDM card, so I can't call Digium. Any help is
> appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Noah