Hi Sorry if this comes twice; i sendt first version from non-member address. I'm learning use Asterisk but cannot solve following problem: i have Asterisk v1.0.7 (DEbian) and Linphonec v1.2 (Debian). Every time i try to register within LAN i got 'Forbidden' message from Linphonec. Where to start searching for reason for this failure, is there more debuggin options available? Here is relevant part of sip.conf: [fujitsu] type=friend username=arimo context=siptest secret=n*****i host=dynamic sip debug output: Sip read: REGISTER sip:arimo.iki.fi SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK769868031 From: <sip:arimo@arimo.iki.fi>;tag=529821486 To: <sip:arimo@arimo.iki.fi> Call-ID: 230459319@ CSeq: 1 REGISTER Contact: <sip:arimo@> Max-Forwards: 5 User-Agent: Linphone-1.2.0/eXosip Expires: 600 Content-Length: 0 11 headers, 0 lines Using latest request as basis request Sending to : 5060 (non-NAT) Transmitting (no NAT): SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK769868031 From: <sip:arimo@arimo.iki.fi>;tag=529821486 To: <sip:arimo@arimo.iki.fi>;tag=as0875a823 Call-ID: 230459319@ CSeq: 1 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER Contact: <sip:arimo@> Content-Length: 0 to Feb 22 12:57:12 NOTICE[14006]: chan_sip.c:7708 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:arimo@arimo.iki.fi>' failed for '' Scheduling destruction of call '230459319@' in 15000 ms Destroying call '230459319@' and sip sho peer fujitsu results: * Name : fujitsu Secret : <Set> MD5Secret : <Not set> Context : siptest Language : FromUser : FromDomain : Callgroup : (0) Pickupgroup : (0) Mailbox : LastMsgsSent : -1 Dynamic : Yes Expire : -1 Expiry : 900 Insecure : Yes Nat : No ACL : No CanReinvite : Yes PromiscRedir : No DTMFmode : rfc2833 LastMsg : 0 ToHost : Addr->IP : (Unspecified) Port 0 Defaddr->IP : Port 5060 Username : arimo Codecs : 0x6 (gsm|ulaw) Codec Order : (ulaw|gsm) Status : UNKNOWN Useragent : Full Contact : You can still escape from the Gates of hell: Use Linux! -- arimo