On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 12:49:26PM -0600, Jeremiah Millay
wrote:> I'm having trouble building res_snmp (under Asterisk 1.4.0) on a box
> running Debian Sarge. res_snmp says its dependencies are netsnmp but
> Debian doesn't seem to have a netsnmp package. I've tried
> pretty much every package available related to snmp and no luck. I'm
> just wondering if anyone has successfully built the res_snmp module
> under Debian Sarge stable. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
In Sarge: libsnmp5-dev
In Etch: libsnmp9-dev
In any case, 'apt-get install libsnmp-dev' would work.
Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755 jabber:tzafrir@jabber.org
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