Here are my logs:
Downloaded the no trunk version from this morning and installed
on Fedora Core 5.
Asterisk 1.4.0 built by root @ blah on a i686 running Linux on 2007-01-30
14:56:42 UTC
confserver1*CLI> module unload
Unable to unload resource
confserver1*CLI> core set verbose 10
Verbosity was 3 and is now 10
confserver1*CLI> core set debug 10
Core debug was 0 and is now 10
confserver1*CLI> module load
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cbmysql.conf': Found
[Jan 30 12:25:20] WARNING[3685] loader.c: Firm unload failed for
[Jan 30 12:25:33] VERBOSE[3685] logger.c: == Parsing
'/etc/asterisk/cbmysql.conf': [Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] config.c:
Parsing /etc/asterisk/cbmysql.conf
[Jan 30 12:25:33] VERBOSE[3685] logger.c: Found
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got hostname of localhost
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got port of 3306
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got sock file of
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got user of <USER>
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got dbname of meetme
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got password of
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: Using Database for Admin
& User Options
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got Connference
Application of MeetMe
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got Conference Count
Application of MeetMeCount
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: CBMuSQL: Early Alert set to 300
[Jan 30 12:25:33] DEBUG[3685] app_cbmysql.c: Successfully connected to MySQL
Calling in:
-- Executing [XXXXXXXXXX@default:1] Answer("IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3",
"") in new stack
-- Executing [XXXXXXXXXX@default:2] Wait("IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3",
"3") in new stack
== Spawn extension (default, XXXXXXXXXX, 3) exited non-zero on
-- Hungup 'IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3'
and the log, the application is not registered, I do see it in "show
No application 'CBMysql' for extension (default, XXXXXXXXXX, 3)
[Jan 30 12:27:07] VERBOSE[3617] logger.c: -- Remote UNIX connection
[Jan 30 12:27:08] VERBOSE[3634] logger.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call
from x.x.x.x:
> requested format = ulaw,
> requested prefs = (ulaw),
> actual format = ulaw,
> host prefs = (ulaw),
> priority = mine
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3703] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
[Jan 30 12:27:08] VERBOSE[3703] logger.c: -- Executing
[XXXXXXXXXX@default:1] Answer("IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3", "") in
new stack
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3703] chan_iax2.c: Answering IAX2 call
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3703] devicestate.c: Notification of state change to be
queued on device/channel IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3619] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel
drivers for IAX2 - trunk-pstngw1
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3619] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3619] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer.
What's device state of trunk-pstngw1? addr=54609872, defaddr=0 maxms=2000,
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3619] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for channel
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3703] pbx.c: Launching 'Wait'
[Jan 30 12:27:08] VERBOSE[3703] logger.c: -- Executing
[XXXXXXXXXX@default:2] Wait("IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3", "3") in
new stack
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3619] devicestate.c: Changing state for
IAX2/trunk-pstngw1 - state 2 (In use)
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3627] chan_iax2.c: Ooh, voice format changed to 4
[Jan 30 12:27:08] DEBUG[3627] channel.c: Set channel IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3 to
read format ulaw
[Jan 30 12:27:11] WARNING[3703] pbx.c: No application 'CBMysql' for
extension (default, XXXXXXXXXX, 3)
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3703] pbx.c: Spawn extension (default,XXXXXXXXXX,3)
exited non-zero on 'IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3'
[Jan 30 12:27:11] VERBOSE[3703] logger.c: == Spawn extension (default,
XXXXXXXXXX, 3) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3'
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3703] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: inserting a CDR
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3703] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: SQL command as
follows: INSERT INTO cdr
VALUES ('2007-01-30
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3703] channel.c: Hanging up channel
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3703] chan_iax2.c: We're hanging up
IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3 now...
[Jan 30 12:27:11] VERBOSE[3703] logger.c: -- Hungup
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3703] devicestate.c: Notification of state change to be
queued on device/channel IAX2/trunk-pstngw1-3
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3619] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel
drivers for IAX2 - trunk-pstngw1
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3619] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3619] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer.
What's device state of trunk-pstngw1? addr=54609872, defaddr=0 maxms=2000,
[Jan 30 12:27:11] DEBUG[3619] devicestate.c: Changing state for
IAX2/trunk-pstngw1 - state 1 (Not in use)
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Bill Gibbs
Sent: Tue 1/30/2007 12:17 PM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: RE: [asterisk-users] web-meetme cbmysql not registered
I am experiencing the same problem. Fresh install.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ma Zhiyong
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:04 AM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: [asterisk-users] web-meetme cbmysql not registered
HI, today I download Web-MeetMe-3.0.0 for asterisk 1.4.0 but when I call
the extension which invoke cbmysql, a warning appears:
WARNING[20225] pbx.c: No application 'CBMysql' for extension
(default, 1995, 3)
I check the application, it didn't registered
CLI> core show application CBMySQL
Your application(s) is (are) not registered
But I can see it use "show module"
and in my start log, it shows
[Jan 30 18:40:15] VERBOSE[6702] logger.c: == Parsing
'/etc/asterisk/cbmysql.conf': [Jan 30 18:40:15] VERBOSE[6702] logger.c:
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got
hostname of localhost
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got port
of 3306
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got sock
file of /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got user
of root
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got dbname
of meetme
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got
password of
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: Using
Database for Admin & User Options
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got
Connference Application of MeetMe
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMySQL: got
Conference Count Application of MeetMeCount
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: CBMuSQL: Early
Alert set to 300 seconds.
[Jan 30 18:40:15] DEBUG[6702] app_cbmysql.c: Successfully
connected to MySQL database.
this seems it was loaded successful.
what's the matter?
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