Eugeniy Khvastunov wrote:> Hi All!!
> Prompt how to record all calls passing through certain span?
pbx-1*CLI> show application record
-= Info about application 'Record' =-
Record to a file
Records from the channel into a given filename. If the file exists it will
be overwritten.
- 'format' is the format of the file type to be recorded (wav, gsm,
- 'silence' is the number of seconds of silence to allow before
- 'maxduration' is the maximum recording duration in seconds. If missing
or 0 there is no maximum.
- 'options' may contain any of the following letters:
'a' : append to existing recording rather than replacing
'n' : do not answer, but record anyway if line not yet answered
'q' : quiet (do not play a beep tone)
's' : skip recording if the line is not yet answered
't' : use alternate '*' terminator key instead of default
If filename contains '%d', these characters will be replaced with a
incremented by one each time the file is recorded.
Use 'show file formats' to see the available formats on your system
User can press '#' to terminate the recording and continue to the next
If the user should hangup during a recording, all data will be lost and the
application will teminate.