On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 16:00 +1000, Nikolai Lusan wrote:> Greetings,
> I have been asked to provide a one off solution for someone. They would
> like to take a message left on a remote voicemail system (with their
> mobile phone provider) and get it to a wav/mp3 file. There is a number I
> can call from my Asterisk system that would allow playback of the
> message, but it would require sending some DTMF tones to do it
> (traversal of the remote IVR on the voicemail system) I would then have
> to record the resulting message (even if I can just use record() and get
> it to GSM I can the transcode it to what I want).
> In short I would like to know:
> a) if this is actually possible
> b) if anyone can give me some pointers on how I might go about
> automating this with a script.
> Thanks in advance.
My first shot at it would be
exten => getmsg,1,Monitor(wav,/tmp/msgdir/${UNIQUEID},m)
exten => getmsg,2,Dial(${VOICEMAILNUMBER}www${VOICEMAILDTMF})
I think there was an option for Dial() to hangup after some time
elapsed, but ideally you would detect end-of-voicemail tone if there is