I am using a2billing as billing software ,and I make an 800 call service
which means that the destination extension should be build
I put this code at extensions.conf
exten => 99909994,1,SetAccount(2704714849)
exten => 99909994,2,Wait,2
exten => 99909994,3,DeadAGI(a2billingp.php)
exten => 99909994,4,Wait,2
exten => 99909994,5,Hangup
its not stable ,its works for 3 times or 2 times and then this error appears
and no billing presented
- SIP/99909994-7f79 answered Local/99909994@default-c00c,2
-- Local/99909994@default-c00c,1 stopped sounds
-- Local/99909994@default-c00c,1 answered SIP/99909990-8741
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/99909990-8741 and SIP/99909994-7f79
== Spawn extension (callingcard, 99909994, 3) exited non-zero on
-- Executing Macro("Local/99909994@default-c00c,2<ZOMBIE>",
"hangupcall") in new stack
-- Executing
ResetCDR("Local/99909994@default-c00c,2<ZOMBIE>", "w")
new stack
-- Executing NoCDR("Local/99909994@default-c00c,2<ZOMBIE>",
"") in new
-- Executing Wait("Local/99909994@default-c00c,2<ZOMBIE>",
"5") in new
Please help a
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