Hi all, I'm attempting to use an AGI script to connect to a database to do a simple lookup based on caller entered digits. I've got it working ok with mysql, I've got it to work fine with the database either on the Asterisk server or on another server on the local LAN, no problem. What I'm trying to do now is connect to a local server running a Firebird 1.5.2 database. I'm running Asterisk 1.2.11 on CentOS 4.2, I've installed unixODBC, DBI 1.52 and DBD-InterBase-0.44 but no joy. I've installed Firebird on the Asterisk server to test and I can connect and query using isql but no luck when using an AGI script within Asterisk. I've read various regarding using InterBase as the driver within AGI and have amended the script accordingly but I must be missing something. Anyone had any luck with Firebird who can give me any ideas? I'm no db expert. Thanks Steve